It tracks changes in muscle mass and body fat through x ray technology generating a detailed report for each individual. The dexa scan is the clinical gold standard for measuring fat muscle and bone density.

What Is A Dexa Scan For Body Fat Dexa Body Composititon Exam
Dexa body fat measurement. Dexa technology has become the gold standard in body composition measurement. Dexafit is the gold standard for body fat testing body composition analysis dexa scans vo2max testing rmr analysis heart rate fitness hormone testing metabolic tests and more. Body composition measurement with dual energy x ray absorptiometry dexa dxa helps individuals trainers and physicians monitor the effects of diet and exercise in a precise manner. The time between the second and the third scan depends on the findings from the first two dexa scans and your personal body composition goals. From here we continue as normal until the ideal body fat percentage is achieved or we reset new goals. People requiring precise body fat percentage lean muscle and mineral content analysis use a whole body scans as this is the best method of measurement.
However the accuracy of this method can vary widely and is not considered an ideal method of measuring body fat percentage. Find nearby locations and pricing to get you an on the spot assessment of your body composition. Having a body scan at dexa melbourne provides your physician with a quick safe and accurate way to accurately understand your body with detailed reports. What is a dexa scan. Dexa is fda approvedand quantifies your lean fat and bone mass to identify osteoporosis and visceral fat which correlates to your risk for hormonal imbalances and disease university and professional sport labs across the country trust dexa as the most accurate body composition measurement available find dexafit near you. A dexa scan dual enerxy x ray absorptiometry uses two different types of waves that are reflected by lean muscle and bone differently.
The dexa dxa body composition measurement technology provides far more complete and precise information than any other weight and and body fat assessments tool. Most importantly dexa body composition technology provides regional body fat results trunk arms legs pelvis and androidgynoid regions. With accurate information in hand individualised eating plans and training programs can be developed driving clients closer than ever to good. Dexa dual energy x ray absorptiometry is research grade technology which provides accurate and precise measurement of body fat lean mass and bone density. Dual energy x ray absorptiometry dxa as the name implies dxa uses. A dexa scan can also measure visceral fat abdominal fat which is often associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
This is often where we measure the greatest body composition changes in our clients.